Monday, August 25, 2008


Hello!! This past weekend we celebrated Kathryn's 7th birthday! She had an awesome princess party, Cinderella even came! It was lots of fun. My dad flew in from Texas too! Hunter found a guitar and just played and played and played! It was madness so many girls!! It was crazy! Nothing really to exciting going on! We are planning a trip to Texas in a few weeks and we cannot wait!

Last week I got finger paints! I was only able to get one picture because my camera's battery needed to be recharged!
I love my new shoes!
Grandma decided she wanted to treat Me, Hunter, Jolie & Lola, to the rain forest cafe! They loved it! The dancing monkeys , the elephants, the thunderstorms!
Grandma also got everyone a milk shake! And boy oh boy did they all love it!!
The one and only picture I got of Jolie, she refused to let me take a picture!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Just like Daddy.