Monday, February 8, 2010


I have been slacking....but its busy here! Plus while Zane is on light duty work he is home around six and I would rather hang with him then do a post! sorry!

Colts lost yesterday which is a total bummer, we did not do anything special. Two reasons...1 no one invited us to do anything! 2 we just sat at home with the kids , my mom and my sister and two of her boys and watched the game. It was nice.  I am in need of a cookie right now. ;)

Also, last tuesday we painted the house! I love it. I am slowy deoocrating now and its fun!

Our little lemon tree that I was hard to dig a big hole!!

She just decided to take a nap.


Two weekends ago was itty bitty olympics! It was so cute, they had an obsticle course and all kinds of stuff. Hunter got the gold! Which is first place out of all the kids in his age group, How cute is that!

Doing his warm up jog.
Hey mom, Lets do this!

Throwing to his Poppy

Gracie just , looking cute.

And they are off!

There he is during his  medal award thingy!  I did not take a lot of pictures, but Zane got lots of videos!

Our first strawberry! We would have had others if hunter would stop picking them!

Helping her mommy.

We are buds.

She woke up while I was doing the blog, so I decided to take a picture of her.

Making a silly face