I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Gracie turned 10 months old Monday. I can not believe it. Two months and she will be 1!!!
Last Saturday she had her 9 month check up, a month late! She weighs 17 pounds. She is normal for weight and tall with a big head! She did great when she got her shots. Hunter went for his 3 year as well and I dont remeber what he weighs but I am thinking 32? He is normal and healthy! He is losing all his babyness and turing into a little boy.
Enjoy the pictures.
Toy Story 3 came out last weekend and we took Hunter to see it. It was a super cute movie. Dont take a kid to a 3d movie though! Those glasses hurt! I had a little headache. Hunter just took his off and watched half the movie blurry.
June 18,2010 Zane's brother Jess had his daughter! Jessica (mommy) and Abby are amazing. Abby is adorable. I love her so stinkin much! Most gorgeous baby ever.
I have two teeth.
Buca with Papa from Texas.....it was yummy.
June 27th is Zane's moms birthday. So we went over to there house and celebrated! It was so much fun. We played Wii Golf. I wish I had a picture of it.
Gracie has been walking with funriture for a while now, and she is trying to stand up on her own. She can do it but only for a few seconds. So we tried to help her. Only problem was she thinks she can run! It was the funniest thing ever she would just fall foward with a look on her face that was priceless and want to do it all over again!
Did I ever mention she is a wild one?
Thanks to my neighbor who let me have two eggs we made brownies. Yummy.
Spin art!! SWEEEEEET
Nobody touches my green been.